NXergy, Inc.
Sustainable Profitability:
Speeding profitable clean energy technologies to market
According to the National Business Incubator Association, jobs that are created through business incubators cost about $1,100 per job. Compare this with other calculations: [1] The (latest) Federal Stimulus bill authorizes $787 billion to "create or save" 3.5 million jobs. This equates to $225,000 per job. [2] Washington State proposals average about "12 jobs per million dollars", which equates to $83,300 per job. Proposals in Oregon are more modest: $50,000 per job.
Perhaps some innovation is required.
NXergy plans on leveraging industry capital to create both short term jobs and long term jobs. We estimate our green-tech Accelerator will create over 10,000 jobs over the course of 10 years - at less than $5,000 per job (Even if our estimates are off by a factor of two, NXergy's job-creation metric [via investment & leveraging] is 22 times more efficient than direct spending envisioned via this and every other stimulus bill.)
Let's be clear: Money put into projects with job creation as its focus ultimately must
cost more than projects whose main focus is to build long-term, profitable companies - to
dramatically improve energy use: with job creation as a positive by-product